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Stoughton October 20th 1938

Dear Folks

Still having pleasant days. our town manager & Mary Holmes are to be married at noon to day & are going on the first steamer to Jamaica Newfoundland Hondurs for their honey moon I dont envy them their pleasure going at this time of the year into a cold country & hope she is a good sailor. they are to be gone a fortnight.

The check arrived safe & I expect him to show up here to finish clearing away the branches & burning up the rubbish this week. was in hopes it would have rained during the night, there are so many leaves & a fire would be dangerous. & I feel worried but over to the old place it went all right he is used to burning rubbish & has a permit after a rain. Pa would have a fit. but it has to be, so whats the use to worry. shall be glad when its cleared away.

The irish they say are trying to get rid of Lyman & Randall from the teachers force. ever since that Lewis scandal where those boys were involved the priest wants to get in all fresh teachers they were knowing to this Lewis actions with the young boys but did