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[[top margin]] PS Mrs Barry went over to Holbrook this noon to have her hair shampood. tomorrow she goes to Mamies to dinner with Forest Holmes widow & Lizzie Eagles his (elder) sister, to a thanksgiving dinner Louie Dykeman came the other day & said he would do the room some time before xmas. he is going to put tar in the gutters, where the snow melts & leaks in & spoils the inside finish on paper. I am in hopes Colcord comes tomorrow & puts on my out side windows he worked last Sunday his wife said The old man remains about the same too bad. its a pity he cannot pass on another shock may take him poor man. just called them up they think Mabelle is coming down with measles. awaiting the Doctors verdict came down with a cold. Gregory is putting on my storm windows at last. just commenced to snow. I sent your bundle Saturday morn hope they are right now. Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton Dec 2nd 1938

Dear Folks, 

We are still enjoying nice weather. We were visited yesterday by Mrs Harrington in the afternoon, & he came to call in the forenoon, while Soper came with three more pictures sent down by her also. she brought me a very pretty apron she made for me for a present als [[also]].

Two Christian Science ladies came to visit her to look at the old place. it seems that the sign they have out side is attracting attention. it tells its the place where Mrs Mary Baker Eddie [[Eddy]] wrote her first book Science of Man & I dont think they just like it but they may be compelled to buy it. so they came to me to talk things over they were two very lady like women and we received them accordingly Mrs Barry helped me. we put on our very sweetest airs I stand fairly well with them for Mrs Harrington we called up after they went up there from here. they said they were entertained by us in the most enjoyable manner they ever were in their lives. they said I was