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Stoughton September 22nd 1938

Dear Folks,
Our oriental storm is at last one, fine days it [[lingued?]] and ended in terrible gale which lasted all the afternoon and way into the night and after a showing rain from midnight the sun can [[up?]] clear this morning. 
I never saw such a gale before it broke down great oaks as big as your body tore our mackintosh tree up by the roots and broke down half of the pear tree over to the old place and around the old house it broke great branches from the maples in this yard and several other trees were blown down in the orchard and in back of the little musium[[museum]] building it broke down one of those great oaks it is a wonder it didn't fall on the roof. the wind being Northeast is all that saved it. it tore down most of the tree that hangs over [[our?]] porch and broke down half of our lilac bush and the great oak over in the Olmes Lot that stands at the corner as you go into the yard opposite our house the branches were mostly torn off so they had to clear way so to get out of their driveway in order to go work this morning. The Ballentines lost two great