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oaks in their yard, they were broken off as if they were pipe stems. tore trees up every where & tore down wires our lights & telephones went out of commission before dark. I had to hustle down cellar after the Kerosene to fill my lamp before dark & we took up candles when we went to bed. little cake ones stuck into spools. Alice & I. she came here after dark she was on the bus coming from Brockton & the driver had been back twice to the car barns. they were on the road two hours & so many trees down & wires they said it seemed impossible to get through it was terrible she managed to get here at last safe & we put her up for the night. she started for Matties an hour ago. I think every body has had something. trees have been torn every where & it will take people a long while to get things cleared up. I hope never to see such a gale again it was something dreadful to witness & it stirred me up so I never slept much all night. I was glad to welcome Alice as she is lively she was anxious to get home to Matty so to relieve her anxiety, as we were not able to telephone last night. this morning they have fixed the wires so we can use that. but they will have a time to clear away all the trees. it will cost a lot & we have not been around to know how much other folks are affected. hope you escaped the gale  Ma