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Their car was sold. they tell of its being stolen & then another party they tell they sold it. I guess that went for debt. they say about town that Florence drinks as bad as Henry she is Dillons sons child & they have times she is out with Henry & takes the baby home to his mother then Maude has the older child. they have spats & seperate.

Stoughton September 18th 1938

No sign of [[Kimplis?]]. still working at some place.

Dear Folks

We are having a stormy Sunday. it began to rain towards night about six O'clock & poured all night long. Bharley, Lillian, Alice & Gladys came yesterday in the afternoon, they were carrying their mother back to [[Matries?]], she had been visiting them for the last week. we were pleased to see them. I think they have a new car but they did'nt mention it. it looked like it to me. it was pretty & seemed very nice. Alice seemed sober but looked very nice, she had a new hat. I guess she hates to go to [[Serrals?]] to live but seems theres no other place for her, it is dreadful to be without a home in ones old age, for then is the time no body wants you, when you are past your usefulness. her expectations must have reached a very high point, she will never get over the disappointment poor thing. she ruined his life & now "chickens are coming home to roost" as they always do. We invited Mamie Kate to come up to our house for dinner but owing to the fact of her not