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having a good night she thought it best to remain quiet at home to day. her legs are bothering her & she was up through the night a greater part of the night & in mortal pain she said. due to her heart & poor circulation. Georgie Perkins & Doris Soper were here they came just at a time that I was tired & about having to go to bed. such talk as its a wonder I did'nt go crazy, they mean well but they are to be dreaded. I think they did very well at the time Ralph has passed on, they were very faithful & dont know what Maude would have done without them & she said that Sidney seemed to be the only one who realized the situation at that time. the rest were entertaining company, it was the little ones birthday party & they were having ice cream & seemed to be having a mighty good time. they did not seem to appreciate what the Sopers were doing for them. people said they were very faithfull & stuck to Ralph as long as he lived, otherwise they would had to hire a nurse. & then after Soper sent in his insurance on his car, Little Henry appreciated the funds to pay his bills & Goodwin told him his license had not yet been paid, but afterwards came on to see about it & found Henry was the culprit which came very near getting the little cur into trouble. which was not by any means the first time. he was saved by Miss Paine in the bank her respect for Ralph was the cause he will land in States prison some time no one trusts him in town now Ma