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Stoughton July 13th 1938

Dear Folks

We are having thunder showers every nigt [[night]] & heavy rains. it has also been cool since Sunday, which was a terrible hot day. since then sweaters have been comfortable. on the whole it has been a very livable summer. I am sorry you are sizzling.

Josaphine came Monday night & yesterday Mamie Kate came up & spent the day. she is not taking any comfort these days with those Capens, so she gave them warning that she was going to leave. she is sick & tired of living with them & has hired an apartment & Mrs Barry gave her a set of kitchen furniture which Bill brought over from Holbrook last night & she is going to buy of her. she is going right away to live in the apartment with a man & his wife who she has done her work for years & knows just what she likes & will get her dinners. she does work for Marion Estin. her other two meals she can manage to get herself. give the devil her due I think she apreciated my kindness in letting her come here yesterday. she looked terribly & dont eat