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Stoughton July 6th [1938]

Dear Folks

We got our shower last night so its very clear & cool to day. so far our days are cool very unusual weather for the time of year & no mosquitoes I do like such a summer Ridout has prophesied just the opposite kind of summer to what we are getting.

Lena came up Monday towards night I was glad to see her as Mrs Barry hadnt got home from Lauras she & Blanche Hammond got lost they started & were going there on foot so I told them to go up Guild Street & on to Lincoln then up by Upkams shop & supposed they knew their way as she had been to Lauras so much by auto but it seems they went the other side of the shop down by Colcords & the devil knows where they landed for they were walking two hours & then had to inquire their way of a man who finally directed them to the house up by a lane accross the fields. meanwhile Bill called me up to inquire if it was'nt [[wasn't]] Blanches birthday & I told him it was & she had just started for his house to see Laura