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Hope you had a quiet fourth.  We did its [[it's]] cool & cloudy.  Funny weather for the time of year.  Ma

Stoughton July 4th 1938

Dear Folks

We are still having cool & cloudy weather. I never remember so cool a fourth of July & so far its not very noisy. it may be before the day is over.

Last Friday Alice came to spend the day. she walked over from Matty Servals. right after noon Mr. Turner came to take Mrs Barry for a long ride he is picking up his crowd to take on an excursion later in the month & trying to make some money getting up suites for men, old customers among the wealthy people & he takes her along for she is one who can talk & he says she is a great help to him & is used to hob nobbing [[hobnobbing]] with wealthy people.  he is good & when he got as far as Abington, he called us up on the phone, to tell us if Alice would stay untill [[until]] he returned he would carry her home. he took me along too for a short drive & bought me a bag of peaches.  

Mrs Barry told me to tell you she was ashamed to send so cheap a present to Doris for her birthday present, but there was nothing else in this town she could find & for want of time