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Stoughton June 16th 1938

Dear Folks

Just got up & find it a stormy morning & cool. since our thunder storms Sunday its been very cool here for the time of year. we had very destructive lightening & I thought they would never end they did lots of damage in the adjoyning towns around us but we only got the downpours which I was very thankful for. the continual flash kept me awake Sunday night but nothing near enough to be afraid of. it has been very cool ever since.

I have not been able to find out anything in regard to Henry no body seems to know anything about his moving so guess he has'nt started in you know he is slow like his mother. I should think he would go back to his fathers house. they say Cogswell Welch is coming to occupy his fathers house with a view of cleaning it out perhaps. it certainly needs it & that is going to be a task. its a pity they cannot sell it as a hospital or home of some sort. as its a darn looking house as it is & no body thats sane would care to live there.