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that probably but it would be pretty hard to get rid of, its such a devilish looking place & full of culch. it may go up in smoak. he must have been pretty crazy longer than people realized.

Lilly Meade is in Stoughton & wants to stay. her sister came with her to take [[strikethrough]] away [[/strikethrough]] the things but the creditors claimed them. they managed to get away with their wedding present. I believe & that about all. she went to Bert Winslow to see if she could get a job in the public library but he told her there was nothing there, then she wanted the job of being house keeper but he lived on the same street & know her well enough to refuse her that position & besides her dont need one, as he lives two rooms & takes his meals out much to his joy. 

My plants are most of them out in the ground I have done a little at a time & its been so cool that my geraniums are standing it all right the others there's no hurry about they look pretty inside. I would feel lost to have them all go out at once. seeds are out of the question am satisfied with out them. the Bings have put their sign out & the neighbors will be glad to have them go. she has a steanking old bonfire every day we are heartily sick of it. he is a good man but no one likes her. Pa was fond of her but I never cared for her Ma.