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Head Quarters 33d U.S.C.T. - only because I am accustomed to date so -

Hilton Head S. C.
July 26th 1865.

Capt. Ketchum,

Dear Captain,

I have just met in Captain Kelly's place, acting for him temporarily, 2nd Lieut. Wm R. Elliot 34th U.S.C.T. who stands in my estimation beside our beloved Qr. Mr. Bingham and all those christian gentlemen who are above the temptations and vices from which I do not claim exemption. He would like a detail such as you was asking an officer of 33d for, but his command, when this special duty is done, will take him back to Florida. Can you under the circumstances secure his detail? He has applied to Genl. Saxton already. If you meet you will be satisfied with his face. I have known him on Folly Island for a year past and shall esteem it a merited compliment to him and a personal favor to myself if