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[[2 columned table]]
| Abel, Capt. Thomas J., Superintendent, Ft. Smith | Apr. 17, 1866 |
| Alvord, Rev. J. W., Inspector of Schools | Oct. 13, 1866: Jan. 14, 17. Mar. 12, May 12. Nov. 1 (2), 5, and 16 (2), 1867 | 
| Andrews, Capt. Albert H., Superintendent, Batesville, Ark. | May 23 and Sept. 5, 1867 | 
| Banzhaf, Capt. Charles, Superintendent, Ft. Smith | Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1 and 27, 1866; Mar. 8. 13. Sept. 12, and 27, 1867 | 
| Barker, Elihu G., Superintendent, Ft. Smith, Ark. | June 6, 20, 27, July 8, 27, and Sept. 30, 1867 | 
| Barrett, C. W., Post Master, DeWitt, Ark. | Oct. 13, 1867 | 
| Bennet, Lt. John E., Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Ark. | May 3, 25, 29, June 1, July 18, Aug. 6, and Sept. 9 (2), 1867 | 
| Benson, George W., Agent, Lake Village, Ark. | Oct. 26, 1867 |
| Bogue, L. P. | June 1, 1866 |
| Brain, Capt. William, Superintendent, Batesville and Jacksonport, Ark | Aug. 9, 1967 |
| Buckley, C. W., Superintendent of Education, Ala. | Aug. 9, 1867 |
| Byers, Thomas S., Teacher, Pine Bluff, Ark. | Nov. 13, 1866; Jan. 7, 24, Apr. 12, May 23, and June 17, 1867 |
| Cahart, Emma, Teacher, Fairdale, Ark. | June 4, 1867 |
| Carhart, J. W., Agent, Magnolia, Ark. | June 28, 1867 |
| Casey, David C., Teacher, Washington, Ark. | Apr. 9, May 6, 20, June 6, 29, Sept. 3, 13, 23, Oct. 3, 5, 14, 17, Nov. 8, and Dec. 16, 1867 |
| Child, Rev. William C., Secretary, American Tract Society | June 1866 |
| Clark, Calvin, Superintendent of Schools, Helena | June 6, 1866 | 
| Claton, Powell | July 10, 1867 |