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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan. 2 /68 1 | Habicht, A. E. Agent Etc. * F. 1 - Jan. 1868. L.S. 1 and 2 1868 | Arkadelphia Dec. 27th/.67 Forwards transcript of decree in relation to title of school house ground at Arkadelphia Clark county. 1 Enclosure | 
| Jan. 2 /68 2 | Shipherd Rev. J. R. Sec'y A. M. Association * F. #2 Jan. 1868. F. 22 Jan 1868 | Chicago, Ill. Dec 25th. /67 Requests Mr. Colby to prevent a Mr. Purdy from borrowing money on a/c of the Am. Miss. Association, and that if he (said Purdy) is morally unfit for a Missionary teacher he be summarily dealt with by the Bureau and reported to the Am. Miss. Association. | 
| Jan. 2 /68 3 | Howard O. O. Maj. General Alvord Rev. J. W. Gen'l. Sut. Schools E. 12 - 1868. | Washington D.C. Dec 24/67 Encloses proof of blank form for report in accordance with Circular No. 5 C.S. and asks how many will be needed. 1 Enclosure | 
| Rec'd Back Jan. 3/68 4 | Colby, Wm. M. Supt. Education * File 3 Jan. 1868 E 13 - 1868 S.S. 279 - 1867 | Little Rock Ark. Dec. 27/67 Recommends that John Brazelle, Chairman of School Board in Brazelle Settlement, Pulaski county be allowed $15.00 per month for rent of school house. The house was built by the freedmen and they are maintaining a school at their own expense.


| Jan. 4/68 5 | Syman, James O. Teacher * F. 4 - Jan. 1868 | Pine Bluff Ark. Dec. 31/67 Reports that he has opened school in the new School Building with only four or five pupils - Hopes for a better attendance after the Holidays. | 
| Jan. 4/68 6 | Slesser Miss Kate G. * Teacher F. #5 Jan. 1868 | Pine Bluff Ark. Jan. 1/68 Progress and prospect of Pine Bluff School. | 
| Jan. 6/68 7 | Shipherd, J. R. Sec'y A.M. Ass'n. * File 6 Jan. 1868 | Chicago Ill. Dec 27/67 Forwards Circular from T. D Elliott, Chn. committee on Freedmen's affairs H. R. asking for facts tending to show the necessity for a continuance of the freedmen's Bureau or otherwise. 1 Enclosure | 
| Jan 6/68 8 | Geisreiter, Mr. S. Agent * File 7 Jan. 1868 | Pine Bluff Ark. Jan. 3/68 Transmits School report for month of December 1867. 1 Enclosure |
| Jan. 7/68 9 | Watson J. T. Agent Etc. * L.S. 5 1868 F 8 Jan 1868 | Helena Ark, Jan. 4/68 Forwards school report for month of December 1867. 1 Enclosure | 


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Tr - formatted table per Si, treat as single page