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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan. 18/68   21 | Casey, D. C. Teacher *  L.S. 16&27/1868  File 18 Jan. 1868 | Washington Ark. Jan. 16/68
Asks for half Doz. Mitchells 1st Lessons and half Doz. McGuffey's 3rd Readers. | 

| Jan. 20/68  22 | Hunt, Robert G.  Planter  *  File 19 Jan. 1868 | Pendleton Ark. Jan. 10/68
Reports that a school taught by Alex Orman, colored man, and numbering 30 pupils (day and night) was opened on his place Nov. 1, 67. States that the teacher is an industrious poor man, and suggests whether a portion of his salary can not be met by the Bureau. |

| Jan. 20/68  23  | Miller, Rev. E.K.  Asst. Supt. Education  *L.S. 14, 1868  File 20 Jan. 1868 | Pendleton P.O. Ark Jan. 11/68
Recommends that Mr. J.H. Scovill be transferred from Pendleton to Camden Ark. and put in charge of freedmen's school there. |

| Jan. 20/68  24 | Stickle, A.C.  *Ex teacher   File 21 Jan. 1868 | Davis Lake Pendleton P.O.
January 11, 1868
Acknowledges receipt of letter dated October 25/67. |

| Jan. 21/68  25 | Shipherd, Rev. J.R.   * Secy A.M. Association   File 22 Jan. 1868  F.2 Jan 1868   L.S. 1 & 2, 1868 | Chicago Ill. Jan. 13/68
Requests that Mr. Purdy (teacher) be deprived of his Commission |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan. 21/68  26 | Saxton S.W.  * Chief Clerk   File 23 Jan. 1868  L.R. 37, 1868.  F.1 Febr'y 1868 | Washington D.C. Jan. 14/68
Transmits 100 copies new Ed. form No. 4 and states that a Circular will be sent in a few days explaining the wishes of the Commissioner respecting the same. |

| Janr'y 23/68   27 | Miller E.K.  Missn. Supt. | Little Rock, Ark.
January 21st, 1868
Remarks upon Special report of Mr. J.S. Thorp, Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L. for Camden, in regard to Mr. Purdy who was sent by the Am. Miss. Assn as teacher to Camden |

| Jan'ry 13/68  28 | Miller, E.K. Asst. Supt. Education *  File 15 1/2 Jan. 1868 | Little Rock Jan. 15, 1868
Transmits Narrative report for December 1867.
1 Enclosure |

| Jan'ry 15/68  29 | Habricht A.E.  Agent | Arkdelphia Ark. Jan. 11/68
Recommends the rental of a building at $8.00 a month for use of freedmen's school at Arkadelphia. |

| Jan. 17/68  30 | Thorp, J.L.  Agent B.R.F. & A.L.  E. 15. 1868 |  Camden Ark. Jan 10/69
Special Report in regard to condition of affairs relating to freedmen's School at Camden, Ark.  E. 15, 1868 |

Transcription Notes:
L.S. and L.R. = Letters Send and Letters Received