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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan. 26/68   31 | Hare, George  * Teacher  F.24 Jan. 1868   L.S. 23 1868. | Arkadelphia Ark. Jan. 22/68
States that he has been licensed by the M.E. Church South as a local preacher. |

| Jan. 27/68   32 | Thorp, J.L.  * Agent L.S. 21 1868  F. 25 Jan. 1868 | Camden Ark. Jan. 23rd 1868
States that he has notified M. Purdy that his services will not be needed after the present month. Wishes Mr. Colby to come with the teacher that takes Purdy's place. |

| Jan. 29/68  33  | Smith, V.V.  Agent Etc. *  File 26 Jan. 1868  L.S. 3 & 22- 1868 | Lewisville Ark. Jan. 23rd/68
States that the freedmen have purchased School house ground and a School of 30 to 50 pupils can be opened with a prospect of an increase |

| Jan. 31/68  34 | Casey D.C.  * Teacher  L.S. 26 1868  F. 27. Jan. 1868. | Washington Ark Jan. 27/68
Acknowledges the receipt of a package of McGuffey's Readrs and reports condition of his school |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan. 31/68   35 | Chapman, E.O. * Clerk in Office B.R.F. & A.L. Lewisville   L.S. 24. 1868  F. 28 Jan. 1868  | Hot Springs Ark. Jan. 28/868
States that he has been making arrangements for a freedmen's school and asks an appropriation to pay rent
Recommends Mr. Hezakiah Roberts as a competent teacher. | 

| Feb. 1/68   36 | Carhart, J.W.  Agent  E.B. 20- 1868. | Magnolia Ark. Jan 23rd, 1868
Encloses request of the Board of Trustees of the Colored school at that place asking an appropriation of $500 to enable them to complete a school house they have commenced. Encloses an estimate of the cost of the building material and expense of erecting the building an a bill of the lumber necessary.  3 Enclosures. |

| Feb. 4/68  37 | Alvord, Rev. J.W.  * Genl Supt. Schools  File. 1 Febr'y 1868  L.R. 26- 1868.  F. 23 Jan. 1868 | Washington D.C. Jan. 25, 1868
Explanatory of the various school blanks. Asks also for a brief history of Normal Schools. |

| Feb. 5 1868  38 | Miller, E.K.  * Asst. Supt. Sch's.  File 2 Febr'y 1868. | Little Rock, Ark, Feb, 4. 1868
Transmits report for month of January 1868.
1 Enclosure |

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 18 L.S. and L.R. = Letters Send and Letters Received