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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 15, 1868 249 (See 198 1/2) | Page Henry Disb. Officer. F. 20 June 1868 | Little Rock Ark. June 15. 1868. Transmits statement showing the condition of the school house building fund. |

| June 25, 1868 250 (See 221 1/2) | Dickinson Joseph Sec'y Ex. Com. of Friends L.S. 103. F. 9 July 1868 | Richmond, Ind. June 25, 1868. States that trustees of yearly meeting have no authority to make deed except by direction of Said meeting which convenes in the fall. Also that the appropriation toward school house near Helena can be had at any time. |

| July 21, '68. 251 | Shipherd Jacob R. * Sec'y Am. Miss. Assocn. F 30 July 1868 | Chicago Ill. July 6. 1868. Acknowledges official courtesies |

| July 27, 1868. 252 | Mason Simpson Agent L.S. 117 E. 36-37-39. | Union Fulton Co. Ark. July 22, 1868. Reports that the Board of Education of Franklin Township Fulton Co. have a ground title to a school house site and wish to erect a building 24 by 30 feet, there being 41 pupils to be accommodated, and the ask assistance to the amount of $500.00 to enable them to complete a building worth $850.00 - | 


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 27, 1868. 253 | Mason Simpson Agent L.S. 117. E. 36-37-40 | Union Fulton Co. Ark. July 22, 1868.- States that the Board of Education of Union Township, Fulton Co., have secured one acre of ground in said Township and have erected thereon a hewn log house 26 by 32 feet, and that within three miles of the same there are 55 pupils of School age. He asks for assistance to the amount of $492.00 to enable them to complete the building. |

| July 27, 1868. 254 | McCullough W. S. Agent. E.- 39 - 1868. | Devall's Bluff Ark. July 18. 1868.- Forwards estimate of expenses necessary to complete the freedmen's School house at that place and requests assistance to amount of $150.00 in accordance with Circular 21. Series 1867, all the requirements of which are complied with except the purchase of one acre of ground. |

| Aug. 1. 1868 255 | Bass Thomas * F. 1 Aug. 1868 | Hot Springs Ark. July 29. 1868. Reports that $100.00 can be raised by the colored people of that place toward building a school house on condition of receiving $400.00 from the Bureau. Also that board for a teacher will cost $30.00 a month. | 

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