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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 24, 1868. 319 | Barnard R. W. Bt. Lt. Col. & Agent | Pine Bluff, Ark. Forwards report on Education of Refugees and Freedmen for month of September, 1868. 1 Report |

| Oct. 28" 1868. 320 | Langstroth Marg't E. * L.S. 176 F. 16 Oct. 1868 | Philadelphia, Penna Oct. 20 1868. On behalf of colored church Zoar of Philadelphia, Rev. D. Tillman Pastor, states that a box of books, cards and scripture texts has been forwarded for the benefit of the colored people of Little Rock. |

| Oct. 28. 1868. 321 | Witter S. F. * L.S. 164 F. 17. Oct. 1868 | Republic O. Oct. 22, 1868. Reports that the illness of Jennie E. Bergstresser has delayed the departure of himself and her for Arkansas. Further states that two or three other young ladies will accompany them if they can have transportation and be assured of support. |

| Oct. 28. 1868. 322 | Shipherd Rev. J. R. * L.S. 168. - F. 18. Oct. 1868 | Chicago Ill. Oct. 19, 1868. Forwards list of names of teachers who are en route or under immediate orders for Arkansas. - |   


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 30. 1868. 323 | Young J. R. * L.S. 169. F. 19 Oct. 1868 | Camden Ark. Oct. 27. 1868. Enquires what arrangements have been made for a school for freedmen at Camden, and complains of a seeming neglect. |

| Oct. 30. 1868. 324 | Cunningham A. G. * Agent- L.S. 171 - F. 10 Oct. 1868 | Columbia, Ark. Oct. 21st 1868.- Reports progress in securing sites for freedmen's school houses in Chicot county.- |

| Oct. 31. 1868. 325 | Brady Rev. H. Teacher. E. 45. | Little Rock, Ark. Oct 26. 1868. Makes application for two blackboards for use of a freedmen's school in Little Rock. |

| Oct. 31. 1868. 326 | Branch C. C. * Teacher- F. 21 Oct. 1868 | Jackson port Ark. Oct. 29, 1868. Applies for school blanks - States that his school was broken up by the Ku Klux and suspended during a part of the month of October but will be resumed after election, and that the Circuit Supt. of Schools will soon commence to organize public school districts. |    

Transcription Notes:
Zoar verified ed