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[[3 column table]]
| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 7, 69 114 | Branch E.C. * Teacher. L.S. 68. 1869. F 9 9 June 1869. | Jacksonport Ark. May 31, 1869. Reports that he has had a school of 62 pupils and an average attendance of 45, and in order to continue the same it will be necessary to have aid from the Bureau to the amount of $20.00 a month to pay rent of school house. |

| June 8, 1869. 115 | Watson J.T. * Asst. Supt. Schools. L. S. 72 1869 F 10 10 June 1869. | Helena, Ark. May 25, 1869. Reports that in six localities in Phillips County a School can be started and maintained three months, provided aid in the way of repairs of buildings, accounting in all to one hundred & fifty dollars ($150.00) is given them by the Bureau. Requests that that sum be given him for the purpose. |

|June 10, 1869 116 | Baber Sarah C. * Teacher L.S. 73 1869 F 11 11 June 1869. | Columbus, Ark. June 1, 1869.  Forwards vouchers in favor of R.A. Bronson for rent school house for month of May, 1869. duly signed |


[[3 column table]]
| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 10, 1869. 117 | Alvord Rev J. W. * Gen'l Supt. Schools F.12 12-June 1869 | Washington D.C., June 3rd 1869. Requests narrative statements, interesting incidents, striking facts & pleasant anecdotes, illustrative of any point in our work, trait in the character of the freedmen and their children or of the white race, to be used in his next semi-annual report and in correspondence with benevolent associations. |

| June 11, 1869. 118. | Watson J. T. * Asst. Supt. Schools F.12 13 June 1869 | Helena Ark. May 31, 1869. Forwards narrative report of Schools for month of May, 1869. |

| June 12 119 | Millen Henry A. * Cir. Supt. 9" Dist. F.14 June 1869 | Magnolia Ark. June 6" 1869. Solicits aid in securing a teacher for colored school at Magnolia. The people will guarantee $60.00 a month to a competent gentleman, and the same to a lady if a man can not be secured. names R.B. Archer as a responsible gentleman with whom correspondence may be shared on the subject. |

Transcription Notes:
In 2nd column, F. # sometimes has number written twice?