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| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 12, 1869. 120 | Buchanan W.H. Supt of U.P.F. Missions F.5 15 June 1869. L.S. 79. *| Vicksburg, Miss. June 7" 1869. States that the U.P. Board of Freedmens' Missions has resolved to establish a Normal School at some place in the South, and enquires as to the suitableness of Little Rock as a point for such a school & what inducements the Bureau and State can offer in the way of buildings or appropriations to further or establish such an enterprise under the auspices and control of said Board.  It would be their aim to make a permanent and first class institution.  Wishes to know the Negro population of Little Rock and the educational and general prospects of the State. |

| June 12, 1869. 120 1/2 - June 14, 1869. 121 | See 132. Clark S.N. Asst. Tr. A.M.A. F.16 June 1869. * | Chicago, Ill. June 9, 1869. Encloses a true copy of the communication sent on the 24 inst. stating that Rev. J.P. Bardwell is authorized to receive and receipt for moneys paid the A.M.A. for rent of school houses in Ark. |


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| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| June 14, 1869. 122 | Alvord Rev. J.W. * Gen'l Supt. Schools F 17 17 June 1869. | Washington D.C. June 9, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of com. of May 31, requesting 50 copies of "Ed. form no. 5."|

| June 14, 1869. 123 | Watson J.T. * Asst. Supt Schools F 18 18 June 1869 | Helena, Ark. May 31, 1869. Forwards statistical report of schools in his district for May 1869. |

| June 14, 1869 124 | Fishbourne, Thos. M. F 19 19. June 1869. L. S. 83.- * | Little Rock, Ark. June 14 1869. Says it is the general desire of the colored people of the Thompson neighborhood of French Dits that he take charge of a colored school there. |

| June 17, 1869. 125 | F.G. McGarick F 20 20 June 1869. L. S. 81 * | Hot Springs Ark. June 14, 1869. States that the freedmen of Shawnee village Miss. Co. want a school for which he will furnish a room, and enquires what aid will be given. |