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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter. 
| --- | --- | --- |

| 132 | Heywood Jno. R Teacher | June 12, 1869. Forwards school report for May 1869. 1 Report. (See #120 1/2) |

| June 24 '69. 133 | McGee William Teacher- |  
Little Rock Ark June 24, 1869. Forwards school Report for month of May, 1869. 1 Report - |

| June 27, 169. 134 | McGavock. F.G. * F.26 June 1869 L.S. 88. | Hot Springs Ark June 24, 1869. Enquires what is the per capita tax for school purposes;- if a commissioner of schools can be appointed at Shawnee village & whether night School for freedmen will be aided the same as day schools. |

| June 28. 1869 135 | Rush A.L. Teacher | Little Rock. Ark. June 1869. Forwards school Report for month of May, 1869. 1 Report | 


[[3 columned table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter. 
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 29, 1869 136 | Rush. A.L. Teacher | Little Rock, Ark. June 29" 1869. Forwards report of school for month of June 1869. 1 Report |

| June 28, 1869 137 | Mason E.W. * Supt. of Education F.27 June 1869 L.S. 120. | New Orleans La. June 24, 1869, Desires to correspond and exchange papers occasionally to learn how the work progresses in Arkansas; Also would be glad to receive a visit. |

| June 18, 1869 138 | Balloch Geo. W. * Ch'f D.O. F.28 June 1869. | Washington D.C. June 18, 1869. Encloses check No. 5784. for $120.00 to pay J.P. Bardwell rent of school houses. |

| Rece'd back June 28, 1869 139- | Colby Wm M. Supt. Edn E.B. Page 17. | Little Rock, Ark. June 12, 1869. Encloses Return of Bureau Stores for May together with Invoice 3 Enclosures |