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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| June 30, 1869. 140 | Millen H.A. Supt. 9" Dist. * F.29 June 1859  L.S. 82. | Camden, Ark. June 28, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Com. of the 22nd inst. States that trustees experience difficulties in taking up colored schools as free schools. Will cheerfully carry out any understanding that the State Supt. & Supt. of Education may come to, etc.|

| June 30, '69. 141 | Getman D.F. * Teacher- F. 30. June 1869 | Pine Bluff, Ark. June 25, 1869. Forwards school report for June 1869 and states that the term closed on the 25th June with a very satisfactory examination at which several gentleman were present, but no member of the school Board; and further that no member of the School Board has once visited the school during the entire school year. The teachers (Misses Getman and Holmes have rece'd $200.00 for Services for April & May, & for June ($100.) will be forthcoming. (1 Enclosure |


[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| June 30, 1869 142 | Binford J.H. * Teacher- F. 31-June 1869 | Little Rock, Ark. June 29, 1869. Forwards consolidated report of the Little Rock Union School taught by himself. Lottie Andrews, Dewolf and Peats. |

| July 2, 1869. 143 | Balloch Geo. W. Ch'f Disb. Officer. * F. 1. July 1869 | Washington D.C. June 23, 1869. Encloses check no 652 in favor of R.A. Brunson for Ten Dollars ($10.00) for rent of school house for June 1869. 1 Enclosure |

| July 2, 1869. 144 | Bardwell J.C. * Ag't A.M.A. F. 2- July 1869 L.S. 118. | Vicksburg Miss. June 18" 1869. Returns vouchers for rent of School houses properly signed, and requests that check for same be sent to Oberlin Ohio. 4 Enclosures |

| July 2, 1869. 145 | Alvord J.W. Gen'l Supt. Schools * F. 3- July 1869 L.S. 105. | Washington D.C. June 25, 1869. Desires a monthly Semi-Annual, & Annual Report as soon as possible after the 30th of June, '69. |