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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| July 25, 1869. 146 | Whittlesey E. * A. A. A. Gen'l  F.4 July 1869 | Washington D.C. June. 24 1869. By direction of the Commissioner requests a full narrative and Statistical report of the operations of the Bureau in Ark. for the year ending June 30" 1869.|
| July 2, 1869. 147 | Stuart, Mary B. Teacher- | Washington D.c. June 28th. 1869. Forwards School report for June, 1869. 1 Report |
| July 2, 1869. 148 | Hand P. A. Teacher- | Batesville Ark. June 30, 1869. Forwards School report for June 1869. 1 Report |
| July 3, '69. 149 | McGee William Teacher- | Little Rock, Ark. June 30. 1869- Forwards school report for June, 1869. 1 Report |


[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 3, 1869. 150 | Bass Thomas * F.5 - July 1869 L.S. 91. 1869. | Hot Springs Ark. July 1. 1869. In reply to Com. of the 30" ult states that Mrs. Anderson is teaching a colored school of 32 pupils, & gives universal satisfaction. The community join him in an invitation to the Superintendent to visit the place & he tenders the hospitality of the California House during his stay. |

| July 4. 1869 151 | Hughes Thos. E. * Teacher F.6- July 1869 | Camden, Ark. June 30, 1869. Forwards School report for June 1869 & States that the term closed with an excellent examination States that he is detained waiting on the School officers for three months pay due from the public fund. Millen (Circuit Superintendent) has written to the State Superintendent for instructions. |