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[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| July 4, 1869. 152 | Branch E.C. * Teacher F. 7-July 1869 | Jacksonport, Ark. June 30, 1869. Reports an enrollment of 63 pupils for June, and no one of them in the Alphabet. Has classes in 1st 2nd 3rd & 4" Readers, & nearly all are able to read in the New Testament. His classes are [[strikethrough]] obl [[/strikethrough]] required to re-produce on Slates or blackboard the matter of each lesson. Register & blanks sent |

| July 5, 1869. 153 | Howard C.H. Inspr of Schools. * F.8. July 1869 L.S. 110.- | Chicago, Ill. June 28, 1869. States that a paper has been received from the Freedmen's Bureau requesting the Am. Miss. Assocn to Superintend an educational work among the freedmen of the Chickasaws & tendering aid therefor. Requests Mr. Colby if possible to explore the country and report fully upon the needs of the freedmen there and the facilities for supplying them. | 


[[3 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 7. 1869. 154 | Millen H.A. Supt. 9" Dist. * F. 9-July 1869 L.S. 192. | Camden Ark. July 5. 1869. States that the Trustee at Camden flatly refuses to take up the School at Camden although repeatedly solicited to do so. Also states that teacher at Camden and Washington hold certificates from himself, and remarks that the heat evinced in your (Mr. Colby's) letter (L.S. 92) is in his judgment incompatible with that courtesy that is reciprocally due from one officer to another. |

| July 7. 1869 155 | Block G. Esq. * School Trustee F. 10. July 1869 L.S. 102. | Camden, Ark. July 5. 1869. Gives his reasons at some length why he will not contract with teachers of the colored School at Camden. |

| July 8, 1869. 156 | Balloch Geo. W. * Ch'f D. Officer F.11 - July 1869 | Washington D.C. July 1. 1869. Encloses check no. 5922 to pay salary of Supt. of Education and Clerk for Same for June, 1869. (1 Enclosure) |  

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