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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 Sep. 28 256. | Balloch Geo. W. Bt Brig Gen'l Ch'f D.O. F.21 Sep. '69. * | Washington D.C. Sep 22 1869. Endorsed check no. 6962 for 132.00 to buy school house rents as follows for July 1869:
See L.S. Sep. 17. 1869 |

| Sep 28 257 | Wygant M.H. * Cir Supt. 1st Dist. F. 22 Sep. 1869. | Helena Ark (no. Date) Encloses school Report of school in Dist. No. 7 Phillips Co. for August 1869. Also signed vouchers for rent of school house in said Dist in favor of Albert M Neal. 3 Enclosures |

| Oct. 1 258 | Hughes Thomas E. F. 1. Oct. 1869. * L.S. 183- | Columbus Wis. Sep. 24 1869. States that the denomination with which he is connected proposes to send himself & wife South as Missionary teachers, and enquires for a Suitable location in Ark. where there had been no School |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Oct. 1 259 | Gladwin Mrs N.M. F. 2 Oct. '69. * L.S. 184.- | Columbus Wis. Sep. 24, 1869. Applies for a situation as Missionary teacher in the colored schools of Arkansas. |

| Rece'd back Oct. 4 260 | Colby Wm M. Supt. Edn | Little Rock, Ark. Sep 22, 1869. Encloses voucher to abstract "I" for August 1869. 1 Enclosure E.B. 22- |

| Oct 4. 261 | Clark S.M. * Asst Tr. AMA for Howard C.H. Sec'y A.M.A. F. 3- Oct. 1869. | Chicago Sep. 28 '69. Acknowledges receipt of Com. of Sep. 24" and States that teachers will be Sent to Arkansas as soon as practicable. |

| Oct 4- 262 | Balloch Geo W. Bt Brig Genl C.D.O. F. 4. Oct. 1869. * | Washington Sep. 29.'69. Encloses Check No. 7057 to pay the following vouchers for month of September '69:
Wm M Colby Supt Edn    $170.42
M.J.G. Colby Clerk       75.00
Rich'd Bragg Office rent 20.00
                        265.42 |