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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

1869 Oct. 4 263 | Balloch Geo W. Bt Brig Gen'l C.D.O. F.5 Oct. 1869* | Washington D.C. Sept 28,1869 - Encloses check no. 7036 to pay the following rents for August to wit:
C. G. Smith $10.00
L. B. Burrus 10.00
Wm Cody      10.00
Rob't Dean   10.00
J.H. McCray  10.00
           $ 50.00

[[footer note]]
See 278

263 1/2}See{Brown J.M. 287-F6. Oct.'69.
263 3/4}   {Geyer J.C. 288.-F.7. Oct '69.  [[/footer note]] |

| Oct. 5th 264 | Wygant M.H. * Cir. Supt. Sch's F.8 Oct. 1869 | Helena Sep. (?) 6, 1869. Encloses September report of D.C. Blackburn teacher in Dist. No. 36, Phillips county of which R R Mayes is trustee. 1 Enclosure |

| Oct. 6 265 | Archer R.B. * Trustee F.9. Oct 1869 | Magnolia Ark. Sep. 29, 1869. Forwards July school report of W.H. McWhorter with remarks upon the good conduct of the teacher, and upon public sentiment in relation to public colored schools. (1 Enclosure) |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Rece'd | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 Rece'd back Oct. 7 266 | Colby Wm M. * Supt. Edn F. 10 Oct. 1869. | Little Rock Ark. Sep. 25" 1869. Encloses estimate of fuel & Stationery required for office of Supt of Education for the Quarter ending Dec. 31, 1869. 1 Enclosure E.B. 24, 1869. |

| Oct 10 267 | Howard C.H. * Sec'y A.M.A. F. 11 Oct. 1869. | Chicago Oct. 6, 1869.  States that Mr. B.T. McClelland will start for Lewisville next week. Miss Cummings is assigned to Batesville and Miss Holmes to Arkadelphia Etc.Etc. |

| Oct. 10 268 | Howard C.H. * Secy A M A F. 12 Oct. 1869. | Chicago Oct. 5, 1869 Acknowledges letter of the 24" ult. Has assigned teachers to Fayetteville and Van Buren. Will go on with the foundation of a Normal School at Pine Bluff but would prefer to sell and establish at Little Rock. Has one male teacher for Arkansas and as many lady teachers as are desired. Will send man and wife to Pine Bluff. Etc.Etc. |