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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Oct. 30 282 | Grace W.P. Pres't Sch. Board | Pine Bluff Ark. Oct 13" 1869. States that the Board have been using the School house owned by the A.M.A. and desire to continue to occupy the same till Dec. 31. '69. The school is in successful operation under competent teachers, consequently the lady and gentleman you speak of will not be needed. E.B. 26-1869- |

| Nov. 1 283 | Howard C.H. * Sec'y A.M.A. F 1 Nov. 1869. L.S. 210, 211. 215. Telegram | Chicago Ill Nov. 1. 1869. States that Miss Cummings finds house at Batesville occupied & requests that she be re-assigned. |

| Nov. 3- 284 | Humphries J.T. Teacher | Helena Ark Oct. 28" 1869. Forwards school reports (Dist. 10, Phillips Co.) for August & Sep. '69. 2 Reports |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Nov. 8" 285 | Wilson T.J. Teacher | Helena Ark Oct. 28th 1869. Encloses Report of School in Dist. 22 Monroe Co. for Sep. '69. 1 Report |

| Nov. 4 286 By error for Oct. 4- | Knight E.R. * F. 2 Nov. 1869. | Madison Ark. Nov. 1. 1869. Encloses list of colored schools & pupils in 2nd Judicial Dist. for Oct. '69. 1 Enclosure |

| Nov. 4 287 By error for Oct. 4- | Brown J.M. Bt. Lt Col. & C.Q.M. [[strikethrough]] F. 6 Oct. 1869. [[/strikethrough]] | Washington D.C. Sep. 27" 1869. Acknowledges Receipt of property Account for August, 1869. |

| Nov. 4 288. By error for Oct. 4" | Geyer J.C. * Trustee Sch Dist 11 Conway Co. F.7. Oct. 1869. | Louisburg Ark. Sep. 30 1869. Encloses School report of C.R. McClellan teacher of colored school in his Dist. for Sep. 1869. 1 Enclosure |