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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Nov. 5. 289 | Clark S.N. * Asst Tr. A.M.A. F 3 Nov. '69. | Chicago Ill. Nov. 1. 1869.- Encloses draft for $20.00 to reimburse Supt. Colby for amount advanced by him to B.T. McClelland on a/c of A.M.A. (L.S. 215.) |

| Nov. 5 290 | Gillem W.H. * Cir. Supt. 3rd Dist. F 4 Nov. 1869. | Batesville Ark. Nov. 1. 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Com. of 21st Oct. and states that Miss Cummings has arrived, but that the trustee had previously contracted with Miss Griswold of Little Rock and that she is now occupying the school house.  Suggests that Miss Cummings could go to Pocahontas at which place the building is poor but it could be repaired by the Bureau, Etc. |

| Nov. 7 291 | Deener R.H. * Trustee F 5 Nov. 1869. L.S. 222. | West Point Ark. Nov. 4, '69 In reply to letter of the 23rd ult. encloses vouchers filled and signed for 3 mos rent and hopes it will be "all right." |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Nov. 7 292 | Howard C.H. Spec'l Ag't B.R.F.&A.L. * F 6 Nov. 1869. L.S. 222. | Chicago Ill Nov. 3rd 1869. States that letter of Mr. Colby concerning school houses has been referred to Commissioner with request that he suspend action for the present.  Desires information in regard to school house sites & composition of Boards of trustees & states that Maj Clark will pass through Arkansas on his return from Indian Country in Dec. Speaks of the situation at Batesville- Miss Cummings who has been sent there may be changed to Fayetteville if desired or another teacher will be sent there but must be supported on the ground etc. etc. |

| Nov. 7" 293 | clark L.B. Clk Bd. Sch. Director * F 7 Nov. 1869. L.S. 221.- | Arkadelphia Sep. (?) 5, '69. States that there is no heating Stove in the new government School building at that place-that one is much needed, and requests that the same be furnished by the freedmen's Bureau. |