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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Nov. 8 294 | Howard C.H. Sec'y A.M.A. * F 8 Nov. 1869. | Chicago Ill Nov. 4. 1869. Concerning rent of Pine Bluff School house and letter of W.P. Grace. |

| Nov. 10 295 | Millen H.A. * Cir Supt. 9" Dist. F 9. Nov. 1869. L.S. 207.- | Camden Ark. Nov. 5, 1869. Encloses statement showing number of colored schools and pupils in his district during month of October, 1869.- |

| Nov. 9 '69 296 | M.A. Cummings * Teacher F 10 Nov. 1869. L.S. 224. Telegram | Batesville Ark Nov. 9. 1869. States that she is not employed and asks to be definitely assigned. |

| Nov. 11 297 | Lyman Jas. O. Teacher | Ft. Smith Ark Encloses report of the Ft. Smith Union School for October. 1 Report |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869 Nov. 11 298 | Balloch Geo. W. * Bt Brig. Gen. & Ch'f D.O. F 11 Nov. 1869 | Washington D.C. Nov. 5th 1869. encloses check No. 7387 to pay the following:
Wm M. Colby Supt Edn  $170.42
M.J.G. Colby Clerk      75.00
Wm M. Colby-Trans. a/c  70.00
                       315.42 |

| Nov. 13 299 | Balloch Geo. W. Bt Brig. Gen'l C.D.O. * F 12 Nov. 1869 | Washington D.C. Nov. 8. 1869. Encloses check No. 7408 to pay the following for August 1869, the same being for rent of School houses for that month:
Jno O Blackwood  $10.00
J.M. Jones       $10.00
J.W. Nelson       10.00
M.H. Kitchen      10.00
John C. Geyer     10.00
E C Branch        20.00
                 $70.00 |

| Nov. 14 300 | Heywood Jno. R. * F 13 Nov. 1869 L.S. 231.- | Boston Mass Nov. 2, 1869. Desires rent of school house due him for month of July 1869 send to his address as given. |