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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| 1869. Nov. 22 309 | Howard C.H. Sec'y A.M.A. * F 18 Nov. 1869. | Chicago Ill. Nov. 16, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Mr. Colby's letter of the 10th inst & hopes he will adjust the matter at Batesville so that they will have a good School. States that Maj. Clark will go to the Indian Country via Pine Bluff Ark., Soon and arrange school house rent at that place. |

| Nov. 23 310 | Gates N.P. * F 19 Nov 1869. L.S. 245. 261. | Little Rock Ark, Nov. 23rd 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Mr. Colby's letter of the 21st and states that Miss Slatterly's report has been forwarded. Suggests that it might be better to reach him and the teachers through the Board of Education- |

| Nov. 23 311 | Burns L.B. Trustee Dist 22 Phillips Co * F 20 Nov. 1869. | Trenton Ark Nov. 15, '69. Acknowledges receipt of School house rent for month of August 1869. |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Rece’d | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | —-- | —-- |
| Nov. 23 312 | Slatterly Miss M.E | Little Rock Ark. Nov. 23 1869. Forwards school report for month of October, 1869. 1 Report |
| Nov. 24 313 | Wilson Hinkle & Co. * Publishers F 21 Nov. 1869. | Cincinnati, O. Nov. 19th 1869. In reply to com. of the 12th state that they have sent a set of McGuffy's Charts to Mrs. Mary B. Stuart Washington, Ark. free of expense to her. |
| Nov 25 314 | Balloch Geo. W. Bt Brig Genl & C.D.O. * F.22 Nov. 1869. | Washington D.C. Novem. 16th 1869 encloses check No. 7529 to pay for three cords of wood bought of Joseph O'Brien- am't $21.00 |
| Nov. 26 315 | Casey D.C. * Circuit Supt. F. 23 Nov. 1869. L.S. 238.- | Hot Springs Ark. Nov. 24 1869. Replies to letter of the 16th inst. pertaining to School house rent at Hot Springs.- |