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[[3 columned table]]
| When Rec'ed 1869 | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| Dec. 19 335 | Casey Wm  D.F.G. * Late teacher F 12 Dec1869 | Arkadelphia Ark. Dec. 13th 1869. Encloses report of school taught by herself & Miss P. A Holmes month of Nov. 1869
1 enclosure |

| Dec 19 336 | Balloch Geo. W. Bt. Brig Gen'l & C.D.O. * F13 Dec. 1869. | Washington D.C. Dec. 13, 1869 Encloses check No. 7857 for $20. to pay Butler McCoy for rent of school for the months of July and August, 1869.|

|Dec. 23 337| Binford J.H. Prince. Union School. * F 14 Dec. 1869 | Little Rock Ark. Dec. 22, 1869. Forwards schools of [[strikethrough]] Little [[/strikethrough]]  of Union School for Dec. taught by himself, M. J. Binford. Hannah Lawrence & Miss M.M. Winslow.
4 enclosures |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Rec'ed 1869 | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| Dec. 23rd 338 | Jefferson Matthew  Teacher - | Near Union city Perry Co., Ark. Dec. 22, 1869. - Forwards report of colored School ini Dist. No. 8. Perry Co. for the months of July, August, and Sep. 1869. 3 Reports. |

| Dec. 24 339 | Holmes P.A.  Teacher | Arkadelphia Ark.  Dec. 18th 1869. Forwards School report for December, 1869. 1 Report. |

| Dec. 30. 240 | Stuart Wm. A. C'r Supt. 6th Dist * F 15 Dec. 1869. | Dardanelle Ark. Dec. 24th 1869. States that a free school for col. children has been started at Dardanelle with 50 pupils and a Sabbath School with 80 people. Requests blanks on which to report the same. |

| Dec 31. 341 | Clark S.N. Asst. Tr. A.M.A. * F 16 Dec 1869 L.S. 280. - Telegram | Pine Bluff Ark. Dec. 31st '69 All right. I will wait next boat from Little Rock. |

Transcription Notes:
right page still needs to be transcribed - FINISHED!!