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[[3 Column Table]]
|When Rece'd|Name of Writer|Date and Purport of Letter|
| --- | --- | ---| 

| 1869 Dec. 31 342 | Brown J.M. Bt. Lt Col & CQM [[strikethrough]] F17 Dec. 1869 [[/strikethrough]] | Washington D.C. Dec. 22, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Property Returns for October 1869. |

| Dec. 31 343 | Millen H.A. Cir. Supt. 9th Dist. * F 18 Dec. 1869. L.S. 281.- | Camden Ark. Dec. 28th 1869. States that he has received a letter from Mr. B.T. McClelland teacher of colored school at Lewisville in which speaking of his scholar he uses the term "my nigs" and to his school "Lewisville Nigger School," which was returned to him with the endorsement that such language was not only disgraceful to him as a teacher but disrespectful & insulting to the Superintendent Further states that unless a satisfactory apology is made for the above he shall deem it due the dignity of his office to annul the gentleman's certificate. |

[[3 Column Table]]
|When Rece'd|Name of Writer|Date and Purport of Letter|
| --- | --- | ---| 

| 1869 Dec. 31 344 | Hutchinson J.H. Supt. 10th Dist * F 19 Dec. 1869. L.S. 207.- | South Bend Ark. Dec. 15. 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Mr. Colby's Communication of Oct 29" and hopes to be able to comply with request when Annual Reports of trustees come to hand. |

| Dec. 31 - 345 | Wygant M.H. * Cir. Supt. 1st Dist. F 20 Dec. 1869. | Helena Ark. Dec. 22, 1869. Encloses School Reports from Dist 25 Monroe Co. for the months of August and September, 1869, etc. 2 Enclosures |

| Dec. 31 346 | Alvord Rev J.W. Gen'l Supt. Edn * F 21 Dec 1869 | Washington D.C. Dec. 22, 1869. Requests Mr. Colby to make an outline map of the State (Ark.) and locate thereon all colored schools in the state according to directions given. Map to be eighteen inches square. |   

Transcription Notes:
PLEASE read instructions..general advanced and special for the freedmen's project.