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[[3 Columned Table]]

| June 11 145 | Wygant M.H. * Supt. 1st Dist. F 14. June | Helena June 3. 1870.  Returns April report of school in Dist. 12 Phillips Co. corrected. |

| June 13 146 | Clark S.N. * Asst. Tr. A.M.A. L.S. 219. F 15 June | Chicago June 9. '70.  Enquires whether the buildings at Rocky Comfort and Lake Village are still on the Superintendent's papers or have been transferred to the American Missionary Association. |

| June 13 147 | Howard C.H. * Sec'y A.M.A. L.S. 210. F. 16. June | Chicago June 6. 1870.  Acknowledges letters of the 1st June - is glad to know the facts about the Theological Students. States that the question of location of the Normal School will rest for the present. |

| June 13 148 | Balloch Geo. W. Bt Brig. Gen'l & C.D.O. * F 17. June | Wash'n June 4, 1870. Encloses check No 9441 for 291.17 to pay the following:  
Wm M. Colby  trans.  45.75 
Wm M. Colby  Supt.  170.42
M.J.G. Colby  Clerk  75.00 
  $291.17 |