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Our Just rights in this particular. We propose to board the teacher free of charge; but candor constrains me to say that my fair will be what is termed hard & this is of necessity owing scarcity of supplies & the difficulty of obtaining supplies at all. The Quarter is high & dry & said to be very healthy. The water is good & abundant on the premises.

Being a Methodist Minister, I would prefer if you send me a teacher who is a member of any church, that it should be the Methodist Church, as we would more likely harmonized in our opperations & it would be more agreeable to the Freedman on the place quiet a number of them being Methodist.

I am happy to say that the Superintendent of the Freedmen’s Bureau here & others officially connected with him in this department are faithfully discharging the duties of their post & unyieldingly maintain their integrity in this relation. This I conceive very fortunate regarding as I do the Freedmen’s Bureau, as almost, if not, quiet absolutely essential under existing circumstances.

Most respectfully 
A. Mizell