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[[Top right letter head]]
The co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, as Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, under the style and firm of W.B. Smith & Co.) is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle, are authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys and balances due to us. Edward Sargent, is authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. 
Cincinnati, April 29, [[1853?]]
Winthrop B. Smitth,
Edward Sargent.
Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle,
(successors to W.B. Smith & Co.)
Publishers, Booksellers & Stationers,
137 Walnut Street, Cincinnati,
Are now the Publishers of the valuable Educational Works lately published by W.B. Smith & Co.
Ed. Sargent,
O.J. Wilson
A.H. Hinkle.
{general partners.}
[[/top right letter head]]
Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle
Educational Publishers, Stationers, & Blank Book Manufacturers,
No. 137 Walnut street, Between Third and Fourth.
Cincinnati, 21 March 1866
Mr. W.M. Colby
General Supt School
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Little Rock 
Dear Sir
Your favor of 14th [[?]] is at [[truce?]]. We are pleased to learn that our publication are so extensively used in your school in Arkansas and will see that to you for distribution in your school, throughout the state at 25% discount from enclosed [[price?]].
This is much lower than we sell to Booksellers in any quantities and you will therefore please regard it confidential.
Very truly,
Sargent Wilson & Hinkle