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ISAAC P.EVANS, Treasurer
Office of Executive Committee of Indiana Yearly Meeting for Relief of Freedmen
Richmond, Ind., (March) 13th and 29 1866
Wm M Colby, Gen Supt of Schools AK
Esteemed Friend
Thy favor of March 20 is received stating that there is a pressing demand for six more teachers in Arkansas and that at the request of Gen Sprague you have written to us asking us to furnish them.
We have written for two of our teachers who are at Jackson Miss to leave that point and proceed to Little Rock and also to one of our teachers at Lauderdale Miss. We do not think that we can furnish any more at present, but when we can we will at once inform you. We hope to occupy Little Rock and shall be glad to hear from you at any time when convenient -
I am
Very Respectfully
Timothy Harrison