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Helena Ark.
March 31st 1866.
Joshua Lovejoy.
Supt. of Schools
Forwards School Reports
for month of march 1866.
Respectfully returned
with the request that the 
items "no. not absent nor 
tardy" "no. admitted free & c"
"No. of hours School is taught 
daily" "No. in Grammar"
and '"no. in other Studies"
be added to the Report and
that is be returned without
delay. In future pleaze
use the blank which have
been and will continue to
be furnished from this
office unless otherwise
W M. Colby
Gen'l Supt of Schools.
Little Rock Ark.
April. 7th 1866.

Rec'd office Genl Supt of Schs Apr. 6

Transcription Notes:
Filled in blanks