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Bureau R. F. & A.L.
Office Supt &c Miss Co Ark.
Osceola.  May 26th 1866.

Capt H. Sweeney
Gen'l Supt &c East Ark
In regard to Schools, I have conversed with several planters, and the prospects are that four or five will be established this fall on different plantations.
At this place there are about forty children that could attend school. no building can be procured for the purpose.

(sgd) Eli H. Mix
Lt & Asst Supt B.R.F. & AL

Copy respectfully furnish Wm. M. Colby Gen'l Supt Schools for his information.
By Order of Brvt Maj. Gen'l J W. Shrague
Gen E. Dayton. Cheif Clerk