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considerable opportunity of Studying the nature and disposition of the African race - As the cost of traveling is considerable it is desirable to me to tax your forbearance a little further for some further information if in your Power to give it - Could free transportation be furnished to a person from this Place
2d - For what time would he be required to teach

3d Is it your opinion that if a teacher demeaned himself [[prudently]] he would be treated with ordinary civility by the Citisens or Planters
If I was wanted to teach I Could Leave at that notice. I presume I can furnish satisfactory Testimonials as to Character and integrity and I think my Education is sufficient for the undertaking - Although I have in my younger days taught School to the satisfaction of the district I am not a Professional School teacher - it would make no difference to me whether I taught in a village or Plantations
Hoping to again hear from you
I am your Humble Servant
Andrew Hickenlooper