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Office Genl. Supt. R.F. & A.L.
Helena Arkansas
Oct. 23d. 1866.

Respectfully returned with the information that no Schools have been in operation Since the date within mentioned, except two private Schools.
Mr. Calvin Clark informs me that it is impossible for him to attend to the Schools in Helena and requests that Some other person be appointed as Supt. of Schools in his place.
The principal reason for not having Schools is that we have had no Suitable place
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for holding Schools.  I have Succeeded in renting an Old house for the purpose, which will require some repairing before it can be used but I have no funds to repair it.  It also will require stoves to heat it, as it a board building.  Two teachers are now here from the Society of Friends, Indiana, ready to go to work.  The difficulties to be overcome are greater now than ever before, Since the Bureau has been in existence, as the aid which was heretofore rendered by the Military Depts, here has been withdrawn.  Such aid was derived from the Quartermasters Dept. in the way of lumber, nails, fuel, stoves &c, &c, all of which has been lost, and all of which