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American Missionary Association:
29 Lombard Block:
Chicago, November 7th 1866
George Whipple, New York
Michael E Strieby, New York
Jacob R Shipherd, Chicago
Wm M. Colby
Supt &c Little Rock, Ark.
My dear Sir;
I send you with this a formal application for assistance in furnishing and fitting up for school use a schoolhouse at Kansas City, Mo.
The application is made in the terms of a formula approved by Gen Howard, in constant use in our Eastern Department. The General desires earnestly to encourage us to invest funds in permanent school buildings, & for this purpose directs us to buy land and appropriate as much as the state of our treasury will permit, and apply to him for appropriations to pay last bills, which he construes as Repairs, within the meaning of the act of Congress.
If you therefore will approve the application and secure Gen Sprague's approval and return the application to me thus endorsed, Gen Howard will at once order the payment of the money at