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Office B. of R.F. & A.L.
Fort Smith AK.
December 19th 1866
E.O.C. Ord
Bvt Major Genl U.S.Army 
Asst. Commissioner B. of R.F. & A.L.
Little Rock AK.
I have the honor, to acknowledge the Receipt of Circular No. 23 from your office, dated Decbr. 6th 1866 and in Compliance with the same, would most respectfully report the following:
There is at present a small private school for colored Children, at this Place, only 9 children are attending the same, they pay, each, $1.25. per month; about 40 more are here, but the Parents of one third of them, are not able to pay for their Tuition. The present teacher is a Widdow Lady, (Mrs. Bott.) who I would most respectfully