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recommend, to be retained, because the Children have great confidence in her; she will teach, from 40 to 50 Children, for $50.00 per month. I also learned that she has been teaching colored Children, for nearly one year, previous to my arrival at this Place.
I think I am able, to collect about $20.00. per month, from the Parents of these children. To establish Schools, on or near Plantations, in this vicinity, at present, would in my opinion, not reach it's Point, because the Contracts, between the Freedmen, and their employees, will expire, by the 1st of January 1867.
A great many of the Freedmen, will, under the Homestead act move to Grand Prairie, (Franklin County.) about 45 miles from here; some 10 or 12 Families, have already gone to the above mentioned place.
I would recommend, to establish a School there, as soon as these colored