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Office of the Asst Supt 
For Yell Co and Adjct Dist
Dardanelle Ark Decr 29th 1866, 
Bvt Maj John Tyler
Act Asst Adjt Gen'l
In compliance with Circular (#28). Dated Office of Assistant  Commissioner for Arkansas and Indian Territory, Little Rock Arkansas, December 6th 1866. I have the honor to make the following Report. 
There is not any School within my District for the Children of Freedmen. I beg leave to State there is a good opening at this point for one. There are many Children within my District who are unemployed, and would be much benefitted, were they under school discipline and instruction. There are also many Adults seemingly anxiously to contribute as much as they are able for the privledge of being instructed in the art of reading, writing, and arithmetic.
The Planters within my District who have the largest number of Freedmen employed, their plantations are in close proximity to this place.