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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
For Arkansas and Indian Territory.
Office of Assistant Commissioner,
Little Rock, Ark., Jany 7th, 1867
Wm M Colby
Supt of Schools
Little Rock Ark.
I have the honor to furnish for your information, the following extract from the report of W.S. McCullough. Supt R.F. A.L. at DValls Bluff Ark for December
"I have not yet succeeded in getting a School started for the freedmen here, but hope to put up a Church and Schoolhouses together for the freedmen here, and I think if we receive aid from the government we will be able to furnish it by Spring."
I am very respectfully &c
Jno Tyler
Capt V.R.C. Bt Maj Vols