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George Whipple, New York.
Michael E. Strieby, New York.
Jacob R. Shipherd, Chicago. 

American Missionary Association: 
29, Lombard Block; 
Chicago, January 17. 67

Wm M. Colby
Supt &c Little Rock Ark

Dear Sir,

Your favor of 9" inst is at hand. "1 We will send you in a few days a good male teacher for the Red River Plantation near Washington upon the guarantee, in Major Thibaut's note, of $30 per month and board. Please notify the Major, that everything may be in readiness when he arrives. 2

The application of Sir Taylor for 3 teachers in Ashley County would have been as promptly filled if I had conveyed similar assurance of co-operation."3 We do not think it economical to sustain plantation schools at much cost to our treasury, but we will furnish teachers for all plantations guaranteeing protection, board, and  at least $25 per month.

Per Mr Miller, our new State agent went south yesterday with two teachers for the plantations near Pine Bluff

Very Respectfully &c J.R Shipherd