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Office Supt R.F. & AL,
Lewisville, Ark.
Dec 31st 1866

Bvt Maj. John Tyler V.R.C
A.A.A. Gen, RF & AL

I have The honor in compliance with the requirements of Cir No. 28 dated Office Asst Com Little Rock Ark's Dec 6 1866 to report as follows.

Upon investigation I find no schools are being held in this or Columbia Co.  But a general desire exists among the Freed people that they be established.  The better class of Planters are disposed to aid in the work.  I think however in Columbia Co., it will be difficult to organize any for most of the Planters are prejudiced against the education of the Freed people and will give no support and could one be started at Magnolia (the county seat) it being quite (over)