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Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, 
FOR[strikethrough] MISSOURI [/strikethrough] ARKANSAS AND INDIAN TERRITORY.
[strikethrough] CLAIM DIVISION.[/strikethrough]

Little Rock, Ark., Feby 7th 1867

Mr Wm M. Colby
Genl Supt Schools
Little Rock Ark
I have the honor to furnish you with the following extracts from the monthly report of J.H. Scroggins Supt at Hampton Calhoun Co., Arkansas for January 1867.

"In accordance with the requirements of Circular No 28 I desire in this connection to report that new Schools can be established on at least twelve plantations in this district, with great advantage to freedmen. Some planters will give them proper encouragement in order to get the labor of freedmen, as most of them will flock to any place where they can get the benefit of schools, whilst others will remain merely passive and content themselves with throwing no obstacles in the way, and other still, will discourage them as much as possible.