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Office Supt R.F. & AL
Camden Ark Febry 18" 1867
To The Superintendent of Schools for Freedpeople for the Dist of Ark and Ind Territory
I have the honor to submit the following Report after a thorough inspection of the School for freedpeople at this place
The teacher is a negro or mulato from Toledo Ohio named Clarance Fidet - he came here in January & commenced the present school on the 1st of February 1867. So far as I am able to judge at present I am confident he is qualified to sustain himself & conduct a good school (with the aid & supervision of the Supt or his Asst) one dollar & fifty cts per month tuition was allowed as a reasonable compensation for his services and within the means of the industrious Freedpeople. The average attendants at this date is forty (40) - less the teacher informes me than he could accommodate.
The "African Church" situated in a retired portion of the City & built since the war) makes an ample & commodious School room. I am of opinion that it would be exceedingly doubtful wheather another