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The teachers continued at Little Rock till July when the heat became too oppressive & they returned home to rest till fall except J.P. Moore & [[?]] Healey, the former of whom had [?chance?] of the Asylum and the fallen taught schools. Leah P. [?Boque?] taught one or two months in the summer at Little Rock & then came home, she had been teaching at Camden.

Immediately after our yearly meeting last fall we sent to Little Rock the corp of teachers who are there, who have usually reported to the Bureau. I send with this letter a copy of the Freedmen's record for August 1866 containing a full report from E. M. Butter. If anything further would interest you I shall take great pleasure in furnishing any information in my power to give. 

Very sincerely
Thy Friends 
Timothy Harrison

Much obliged for the Roster [[?]] we need this often